D.A.P., Inc. (DAP) is a holding company interested in ecommerce enterprises.
D.A.P., Inc. (DAP) is a holding company interested in ecommerce enterprises.
Builds ecommerce enterprises & mobile apps for itself & others
Owns domain names & business models that are for sale
Business models will generate several million dollars per month / year
DAP Will:
Sell a domain name outright
Sell a domain name & the business model outright
Partner with an entity to build an ecommerce business
Partner with an entity to build & operate an ecommerce business
Please contact us if you:
Are a high net-worth entity that wants an ecommerce business
Want to own an ecommerce business, but are not sure where to begin
We do not build brochure websites. We are only interested in end-to-end, full-blown ecommerce projects.